Viva Doc will be kicking off the Fall 2011 semester by hosting a networking event! This event is for anybody, no matter your year, major, concentration. If you love documentaries — making them or watching them or talking about them — Viva Doc is for you! We have a variety of opportunities for folks from all backgrounds.
Here are the deets:
When: Tuesday, September 13th @ 5:30pm
Where: The Doc Center (1104 S. Wabash, Rm. 407)
Why: Because it’ll be a great way to make friends and connect with folks who are interested in stuff you are! …Oh, and did we mention there is free food??

Please e-mail us at if you have any questions, or if you would like us to add you to our mailing list. We send out periodic updates regarding internship opportunities, fun workshops, documentary screenings, and other awesome stuff. And don’t forget to add us on Twitter (@vivadoc) and Facebook (Viva Documentary).
See you soon!
-Viva Doc