(Written while waiting for several MiniDV tapes to be captured)
1. Capture full tape in X segments
Sometimes, for a simple offline edit, I just want to capture a full tape. Why isn’t Final Cut smart enough to just capture the full tape in, say, ten minute chunks, finishing with a shortend if the full tape wasn’t used?
2. Pause capturing
This is pretty self explanatory, but seriously, why can’t you do this? And in a similar vein, wouldn’t it be cool if you could:
3. Auto-suspend capture when CPU usage exceeds, say, 80%
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had a capture attempt that was almost done aborted because I was trying to do one too many things on my computer…
4. Ability to keep the good portion of an aborted capture attempt
5. Capture off a tape for X minutes, timecode breaks be damned!
A user should be able to tell FCP to capture the next X number of minutes of a tape, without aborting due to a timecode break without having to resort to using Capture Now.
6. Ability to toggle preview sound on and off midway through capture
Yeah these are all great ideas, it seems like some of these features are in imovie even, or maybe im just remembering things.