There was no doubt in anybody’s mind that Wonjung Bae is one of the rising young stars in the documentary production field. She has a considerable knack for capturing emotions and tones, while always having a realistic mindset about what logistics productions will entail.

We were so happy for Wonjung when, over the summer, we got on update that she had received a Student Academy Award (probably the highest award a student filmmaker can receive) for her documentary “Vera Klement: Blunt Edge.” The short film covers the artistic process and inspiration of Vera, a painter living in Skokie, surrounding the events of her 80th birthday party. It includes Vera’s quirky, yet serious mannerisms, while the gorgeous cinematography mimics Vera’s art itself. You can watch a previous cut of the film here, and another artist portrait film of hers here.
We would like to congratulate Wonjung on her success, and wish her the best in the future. She completed her masters degree and graduated last May.
Watch her acceptance speech here: